Climate change impacting aquaculture production activities
Climate change impacting aquaculture production activities
The rising global temperature and weather pattern due to climate change is impacting the aquaculture production activities and affecting the ecological cycle of the rearing ponds as well and the fluctuation of temperature results in stress to rearing living aquatic stock. The phenomena can cause mortality of stock and financial loss to the entrepreneurs, which may discourage other interested aqua-pruners.
The Provincial Fisheries Departments have to adapt new technologies to address this climate change problem in the long run, which requires collaborative research through academia of Engineering Universities and Biological Sciences with the support of federal and Provincial Fisheries Departments. New and cost-effective methods of mitigating the adverse effect of climate change needs to be addressed on priority basis. The need for conducting studies to ascertain the impacts of climatic change particularly the rise of temperature in different regions on productivity of fish through aquaculture production.
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Climate change has affected worldwide which is an undoubted issue, to face and overcome the challenges on aquaculture, Sun Asia supplies equipment for widely application from outdoor farms to indoor RAS infrastructure. Our equipments are mostly made in Taiwan with high quality and optimized performance, to support our client to achieve most effective output and harvest. Take reference for our website
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