The RAS and aquaponics events Hanover, Germany
A special day focusing on RAS and aquaponics is set to be included in this year’s “Inhouse Farming Feed and Food” show, which takes place in Hanover.
Photos from inhouse-farming website
The show, which runs from 12-18 November, will focus on monitored closed systems for food and feed production. Meanwhile, the aquaculture day – which takes place on 13 November – aims to cover recirculation systems, the use of renewable energies and the digitalisation of all processes. It will try to answer the question of how aquaculture - already one of the world's fastest growing food production sectors - will develop further and which of its promising potentials will be applied in the coming years.
Inhouse farming of aquatic organisms is becoming increasingly important and already represents a technology sector in its own right. The so-called recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) allow the production of fish and seafood independently of open waters, as the process water is treated, cleaned and returned to the production basins after use - an almost closed cycle! In RAS systems, mainly freshwater fish are reared, such as catfish, pike perch, tilapia, eels and sturgeon. But saltwater recirculation systems for shrimp, sea bass, bream and king fish are also becoming popular on the market. In many Norwegian salmon farms, the young fish (smolts) are already housed under controlled conditions in recirculating lines. This form of aquaculture is resource-efficient, independent of location, environmentally friendly and almost completely controllable. A high degree of mechanisation and a great need for investment in these systems are reason enough to show and get to know the most innovative new aquatic systems with sustainable energy and oxygen concepts.
For more information about the events, please visit
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